Monday 30 September 2019

Eyes are the most important organ.  As exercises are most important for all parts of the body , they are important for the eyes too.    eye exercises  are more useful for the ocular muscles to improve function.
 Do these exercises for 10 min daily to boost eye heath.
Wash the eyes with cold water before retiring to bed.
sleep well and its an important one in eye health.
Intake of lot of vitamins,  citrus, carrots are important too.
Take care of ur Eyes for there is no eyes there is no sight.
Meygam velachery.

Sunday 29 September 2019

Neck exercises to do daily in ur Office

A neck exercise is mandatory and stretching ur neck while u work and constantly spend ur hours in front of ur computer.  A simple stretch will prevent ur neck from damage of of muscles of ur neck, strain and  pain and loss of function. These above exercises   are very useful if done daily .Meygam . Velachery. 9445070935

Tuesday 24 September 2019

Fitness and importance of muscle toning
A lot of people now try a lot of techniques to lose their inches and look fit.  Do they work ?
What does real fitness give?
Most of them starve and fast  to shed down calories  but instead they end in low back pain ,  fatigue and physically less active.
 In my clinical practice, this  has been  been the most repeated mistake of persons those who tried to lose weight effortlessly .
Understand MUSCLE TONING is very very important in fitness. 
muscle toning reduces inches
It increases the strength of a muscle
It improves functional ability, shape and beauty. 

Friday 13 September 2019

KNOW now WOMEN don't SUFFERUrinary bladder problems in women.

Urinary incontinence is the most common problem in women is often neglected by  most of the women .
2 of 3 suffer from this problem
Repeated UTI  arisr  due to this problem
The above image shows a picture to understand the weakness of urethral muscles and it no pills to cure surprisingly only bladder training and therapies works amazingly. Imagine the valve in your tap fails. The same occurs with spinchter muscles.
Given are the exercises for traeting this problem in earlier stage. Later stages needs advance PHysio therapy intervention.Meygam@Velachery. www.meygamclinic.com9445070935

Wednesday 11 September 2019

Walking to maintain muscle tone, reduce risk of osteoporosis

The best exercise that we should follow is Walking.
The above image says the benefits of walking.
Walking should be brisk and fast to reduce weight.
Its the best way to increase body metabolism.
It  decreases the risk of osteoporosis.
To save bone and to postpone ageing, walking is essential.
It removes the toxins from our body.
Walking releives stress and gives you good sleep

How to fix low back pain . Know the most important factor causing back pain and remedial measures

Most of us sit for a long time that causes the thigh muscles to contract and lose its original stretched and original length that is the most important factor of today's back pain.
DO u KNOW?... Hamsting tightness is the major cause for back pain.
85% low back pain is due to only this issue.
 Later the weight is stressed on the spine and other complications rise.

Test  and see if ur Hamstrings are normal....
This image will show u how to test ur hams. If u r able to touch ur toes without bending ur knees, ur hams are normal.If it bends  in the knee level it says the hams are shortened and risk of back pain and later issues of spine are likely to develop. 
How to overcome
Try these stretches at home and stay away from low back pain. In case of medical help email web call 9445070935. Meygam clinic. velachery. chennai

Tuesday 10 September 2019

This is the most important structure to cause neck pain

The sternocleido mastoid muscle is themost important muscle in the neck  when is contacted or in tension causes a severe trigger point pain in many individuals today.  Computer professionals, students and all those who their desk related job have strained this muscle and this affects the entire the cervical spine.
This is how the scm muscle has to be stretched regularly . This is a great benefit to avoid neck pain.Meygam clinic. velachery . chennai . youtube. Meygam health watch

Neck .... Relax and releive ur neck pain

Neck an important structure that connects the head and the trunk has a maximum mobility supported by numerous muscles tissues and ligaments.. In the present day there are  almost every one  suffering from neck ppain and moreover mostly neck spinal coloumn gets affected. The reason behind this, people neglect their muscles and soft tissues  and biomechanically  the weight gets transferred to the spinal cord and degeneration is fast.  So what should u do?
1. relax ur Neck muscles
2. Move ur Neck  that is exercise regularly
3.apply heat bath after ur job
4.Stretch your neck muscles
5.Avoid highly elevated pillows.
These few steps are mandatory to keep the neck pain at bay. MEYGAM youtube channel visit Meygam health Watch

Friday 6 September 2019

The most common causes for neck upper and lower back pain in most individuals

Know about myofascial pain and benefits of release. ONE OF THE MOST COMMENEST  pain that we see during our pracitce that is less attended and neglected and which results in multiple pain syndrome , that which affects the spine, soft tissues and makes the individual to suffer from most  severe chronic pain is myofascial pain syndrome. IT IS caused mostly now a days due to a mechanical cause .            mostly people try gels, ointments and even pain killers to suppress the pain which will later end in severe damage to the tissues. It is most important to treat it so as to save the other structures as well.  There is a\lot of physical therapy and tecniques to treat this paIN. SO  dont neglect this and consult ur physio to treat this velachery . chennai