Saturday 23 March 2019

Weight loss women

Dear women, Weight gain remains a problem for all of us who have been to a sedentary lifestyle, post pregnancy or a surgery. There are  lot of metabolic issues that a women undergoes   all results in weight gain. When consulted with any specialist the final answer for all these problems will be WEIGHT LOSS. But weight is a never happen process where we  are struggle to make it. I ve seen most women undergoing a strict dieting  punishing themselves with poor meals and after a few weeks they are unable to follow they are dissapointed.
                                                               Weight loss in women needs to treated medically taking care of each and every aspect of women health. All  women are not same. They are unique so as their body. Dont compare other woman metabolism with yours.We cant have a general rule for all women. First  rule out the problems inside then incease the work efficiency of the muscle  so that muscle is capable of burning more calories.  Slim, Shape , Stay fit and Young with good muscles, toned.   Choose your diet and regularize the exercises. Meet MEYGAM for expert advice. chennai. velachery

Disc bulge

Suffering from severe pain from bulging disc? Meygam , Velachery, chennai has  the remedial therapy for all your disc problems. We have proven records who have recovered from severe pain due to disc bulge.  Meet expert physios and  lead a pain free life. For more details
 The disc may be affected doe to mechanical stress, posture,trauma .... There may be severe unbearable pain  . Pain killers may not work. The disc need to be healed or it may lead to potential muscular weakness, numbness, pain. To avoid complications, meet MEYGAM in the earlier stage . We  have relieved so many so we are also to help you in this problem. Take care SPINE is ONE.

meygam weight loss physio pain relief center in velachery chennai

Thursday 21 March 2019

Meygam offers best treatment for knee pain and problems
for best treatment meet MEYGAM 9444313877,

Abdominal fat what to do. tuck tummy now. reduce abdominal flabs

Meygam weight loss solutions to reduce the belly fat and to make the tummy slim, strong and into shape.
 The abdominal tissues are very weak as they are smooth muscles devoid of deep fascia . It need to be toned after  pregnancy or a surgery or else sagging and a lot of complications results. Meygam Tummy Loss programs for a fit tummy meet MEYGAM . velachery. chennai.

 Meygam velachery chennai
Meygam   center for pain relief, advance physiotherapy, fitness, anti ageing therapies.

Saturday 16 March 2019

Knee pain, ligament injuries what to do Center for pain therapies,  deals with ligament injuries of Knee , cartilagedegeneration and all functinal repair of knee is done. meygam. velachery. chennai

weight loss

 Most of the diseases have obesity as a prime factor to be treated. Meygam Gives u a right solution for weight loss , fitness and toning. It helps u widely even after surgery, pregnancy. Its time to take right step towards  gaining good health . Say NO to junks, fried items. Choose Fruits as one time meal. We have alot of therapies for weight loss which will help u in many ways. Most of the cases who have regained weight after ligament injuries, surgery who cant maintain their weight are easily maintaining by our weight management program. For more details visit  velachery. chennai

Friday 15 March 2019

Say NO to muscle flabs, stay fit, young, fit and more functional ever with MEYGAM
Toning therapies. velachery. chennai . After weight loss with dieting, Gym and exercises do u feel that ur muscle tone is lost? An easy way to tone and maintain a more appealing shape and way to be more functional with TONING therapies . Meet MEYGAM , velachery, chennai now
  velachery chennai

Thursday 14 March 2019


In my long years of clinical practice, I 've  seen  most ligament injury cases   not taking medical advice in the earlier  stages. Most of the cases the ACL tear, MCL injury  do not consult and think the knee pain will resolve on its own and  damage the other soft tissues . They fail to understand that weight bearing will damage the tissues further. Its very essential to consult the doctor and start the physiotherapy treatment in the earlier stage. healing with therapies, strengthening  will  recover the knee and one can avoid damage and  complications. foe effective healing and repair do consult a physio in the earliest stages that will be an eye opener for you. In a case of complete tear surgery is unavoidable. Take care becos Mobility is most important.Meygam physiotherapy, weight loss, fitness velachery. chennai. .

way to healthy weight loss

1. Increase protein rich foods.
2. Decrease carbs
3. Exercise weekly thrice .
4.Avoid fried, baked food
5. Eat lot of vegetables 
stay healthy, slim and young . Meygam weight loss velachery chennai

Sunday 10 March 2019

Back pain

Suffering from Back Pain
     Meygam offers you therapies for disc prolapse, bulge degenerative conditions,spinal abnormalities  in a  highly professional approach. Let it be mechanical, traumatic or due to stress perfect clinical diagnosis and treatment will be given inclusive of yoga and exercise therapy to get  releived from pain and discomfort. visit . for details . cotact us @9444313877 for advance therapies and appointment. Take Care. We care Ur SPINE.

weight loss pain relief

If u are a person trying to shed down calories  then u have to choose foods that increases the basal metabolic rate of the body.  One food that increases the metabolic rate is GINGER. Try ginger decoction with saunf that will help you in  digestion and increase the basal metabolic rate of the body. Take always high protein rich foods that will help you for a healthy wewight loss. Always keep it in mind that stamina is more important in weight loss. You should always try for a healthy weight loss solution. Toning Of muscles should be done simultaneously to avoid sagging of muscles and regaining the fat,. For more Professional advice on weight loss meet MEYGAM velachery , chennai 9444313877

Saturday 9 March 2019

Know about neck pain

Neck the important organ of the human body that connects the head and the trunk has major rotatory functions and is prone to most injuries and stress . muscular  and nervous conditions are more likely to occour in these areas. Due to mechanical strain and stress now a days  lot of people suffer from spondylitis, disc bulge , radiating pain and neuralgia.  taking care of the structures is very important as it may lead to muscular weakness, tenderness, pain, loss of mobility ,spasm, degenerative conditions. usually shortness of neck occurs due to age and is neglected and impingement of nerves we see it in lot of cases. Regular exercises, stretching should be done to manage our neck in good condition.In case of any problem  there are lot of pain relief therapies to alleviate pain and to recover the tissues. Meygam Physiotherapy, weight loss , body slimming center in velachery, chennai. If u really want to have Pain loss  consult us . 9444313877