Thursday 26 February 2015

tummy problems in women

dear viewers, i was too busy these days.was not able to make any posts.well There are interesting cases to be shared with you . most of the women come to our center to reduce there tummy. These clients had huge totally very huge compared with the rest of the body. One of the case was Mrs Manpreet. The age of this women was 38yrs a beautiful married women having two daughters.After her delivery, she had a very big tummy that was sagging down the thighs, very heavy and flabby too. I examined the case, a offered a trial session.I.The back muscles also responded very well to the therapy. The abdominals reponse was very poor. So i decided to assess her for any uterine and urinary problems. She then began to say that she was unable to urinate completely and urine is still retained in the bladder. then i referred to a urologist for aseesing her kidneys, urinary output, and post voidal residual urine amount. there was about 220 ml of post voidal urinary amount as examined by the urologist. the urologist insisted on strenthening bladder muscles. then bladder training therapy was done. after this treatment the urinary output increased and the lady improved a lot. the size of the tummy also reduced . she was very happy that her tummy and the unsaid urinary problems was solved simultaneously. we were happy to help her to come out her health issues. I hope this post will give you an idea that big tummy does have some other problems other than the size. If dealt wholly, it can be solved with a right medical advice in the right time with right medical intervention. wish you good health.

tummy problems in women

dear viewers, i was too busy these days.was not able to make any posts.well There are interesting cases to be shared with you . most of the women come to our center to reduce there tummy. These clients had huge totally very huge compared with the rest of the body. One of the case was Mrs Manpreet. The age of this women was 38yrs a beautiful married women having two daughters.After her delivery, she had

Friday 30 January 2015

weight loss therapy

hi friends, we offern weight loss and physiotherapy services. those in need can contact

Wednesday 28 January 2015

healthy weight loss

most of the women of today suffer from overweight and obesity. Beyond overeating and sedentary life style , there are also aome other potential causes that has to be said. Most the cases taht we come across today suffer from stress related syndromes that lead them to obesity. quite common ones are pcods and thyroid and all metabolic disorders. when you walk into a weight loss session,be sure that u have ruled out all these factors and have consulted an appropriate consultant. The weight loss is only beneficial then. if there are some serious problems inside and if not really understood by the person who treats u for weight loss then the weight loss program will be an incomplete one. Most of the cases ignore the problem inside , and trust the statemetns of people and risk their own health. u know one thing , ITS UR BODY. thatis soooo PRcious. take CAre. weight loss therapies always woks wonders but if done in a correct strategy. My wishes for healthy weight loss. visit for deatils

Friday 23 January 2015

10 healthy tips on weight loss and burn body fat

DEAR WOMEN, here are some tips for healthy weight loss. not skip meals. 2. avoid junk foods and beverages more of fruits and vegetables. 4. change the oil once in 3 months at least. 5. do not rely on vehicle for short distances. 6.Drink water hot instead of cold 7.Munch ur food and eat. 8. Do not imagine about food alone , dream about a trim , slim and a healthy figure. 9.Do not over eat 10.avoid stress and keep ur mind relaxed. stay healthy. wish u gud health. for healthy weight loss call 91-044-9444313877. only women visit for details

Thursday 22 January 2015

hi dear veiwers, this write -up is exclusively for women . women with urge incontinence. the problem where the individual has the tendency of passing urine frequently. the cause is due to the weakness of the urinary bladder muscles. women lose the ability to control the urine. iin most cases they experience dripping of urine due to weakness of spincter muscles.even a cough or sneeze brings the urine out. if dealt in the earler stage , this can be treated with electro therapy and exercises. where urinary bladder muscles are strengthened and control of the bladder is attained. we treat a lot of women with the same problem in these days. dear ladies, this is the time to act rather than to endure. feel us to call 9444313877 or visit us at

Wednesday 21 January 2015

weight loss made easy

hi readers, welcome to our blog. meygamweightloss. this is a weight loss ceter that has proven records in reducing weight and shaping women . An absolute remedy to lose weight, shape any part. in this post, u will be able to read the experiences of our esteemed clients who had reduced their inches considerably and regained their shape mrs sreevidya [housewife] resident of mylapore writes, I render my warm thanks to meygam slim care for helping me to reduce weight after pregnancy. the treatment that shaped my ugly and flabby belly is awesome. i now love to wear all types of dresses without hesitation. i have regained my self confidence after losing weight.thanks to meygam. you also can be benefitted by the weight loss and inch loss treatment and can share ur opinion here.